Upcoming Events

(Note: Zoom codes may be found in HamClubOnline)

SUN 07/21 @ 1800 – American Red Cross – Disaster Services Technology (ARC/DST) Net & Disaster Communicator’s Forum (DCF)

THU 07/25 @ 1900 – San Juan Cyn Net – SBTAC2 146.565 MHz

THU 07/25 @ 1930 – SBCARA Net – N6SBC Repeaters, IRLP 9257, Echolink 336037?

SAT 07/27 @ 0800 – Bay Area NVIS Net on 3.890 MHz

THU 08/01 @ 1950 – SBCARA HF Net – 3.878 MHz / 7.270 MHz? May be self conducted

SAT 08/03 – In Person Ham Cram and Exam Session – Hollister

TUE 08/06/2024 @ 1700 – National Night Out – Downtown Hollister

THU 08/15 @ 1930 – SBCARA Net – N6SBC Repeaters

THU 08/15 @ 1900 – Ham Fun – TBA

TUE 08/13 @ 1900 – SBCARA Forum – Kristen McIntyre K6WX – Transformers, More than Meet the Eye

TUE 09/03 @ 1900 – Business Meeting @ DOC & ZoomAgenda ; April Mtg Pending Minutes; May Mtg Pending Minutes

10/05-06/2024 – ARRL ARES Simulated Emergency Test – Form for Participation

10/05-06/2024 – California QSO Party – Form for Participation


San Benito County Nets

Every Thu @ 1900 – San Juan Cyn Net – SB TAC 2
Every Thu @ 1930 – Weekly SBCARA Net – N6SBC Repeaters
Every 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th Thu @ 1930 – SBCARA Net on IRLP(9257)/Echolink(336037)
Every 1st Thu @ 2000 -Monthly SBCARA HF Net

Other Nearby Nets

  • Every Sun 1800 – Red Cross DST Net followed by DCF Net
  • Every Mon 2000 – Fremont Peak Repeater Assoc. Net (See https://www.fremontpeakrepeater.org/)
  • Every Tue 1930 – GVARC Net – Garlic Valley Amateur Radio Club (See https://gvarc.com)
  • Every Tue 2000 – LPRA (Loma Prieta) Net
  • Every Wed 1930 – Monterey ARES Net (mc-ares.org)
  • Santa Clara Co. SVECS Net – Tue before 2000 (Starts previous Wed at 00:00:01)
  • California Coastal Winlink Net – 3rd Mon (Starts the Mon before)
  • NorCal Winlink Net – Thu at 2359hrs (Starts the Sun before) http://ncpa.n0ary.org/


Ham Fun Night

This is an event organized by Jack Kirk (W6KRK) involving multiple groups. Contact Jack Kirk to be added to the email list for this event. Usually the 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 1900 hrs. – Ham Fun Archive

Ham Help

San Benito Volunteer Examiners

For amateur radio license testing (including fully remote testing), study or cram e-mail [email protected]. More information may be found on our Volunteer Examiner (VE) page.

Amateur Radio History

Catā€™s Whisker and other Ham Radio Stories

To join SBCARA, please go to HamClubOnline.com enter your callsign to create an account and search for “N6SBC” to find SBCARA. From there you can sign up for a new membership or renew your membership.

2024 Voting Membership Dues

$20 First family member
$10 for Each additional family members.

All dues are voluntary and are not required for any function other than to vote or to hold office.

SBCARA Communications – Read this to find out how this group communicates. (Connections)

Join/Donate to SBCARA – Click Here for More Info

With a PayPal Account Visit our account at PayPal by going to http://paypal.me/sbcara or click on this QR Code if you have PayPal as an application on your smart phone
QR Code
Note: to pay by credit card, a PayPal account is not necessary to contribute on the PayPal site) Note the article on the main page for more details.

If you prefer to pay by physical check, send the check made out to SBCARA to
SBCARA c/o San Benito County ACS/RACES, 3226 Southside Rd, Hollister, CA 95023

Waltz Creative

Sea Otter Classic Foundation

Holiday Party 2022

BBQ and Swap Meet after DOC Clean Up & Inventory – SAT 7/13

BARBECUE, ASSET TAGGING, SWAP MEET and yeay! optional business meeting.Saturday, July 13 at the DOC

Thank You Sea Otter Classic 2024 Volunteers!

GMRS & Ham License & Upgrades for FREE!


After the Net – San Benito So. – So. Santa Clara Co.

Comstock Repeater Group

Fremont Peak Repeater Association (FPRA)

Garlic Valley Amateur Radio Association (GVARC)

Morgan Hill Amateur Radio Society (MHARS)

Monterey County ARES

Santa Cruz County Emergency Communications

Silicon Valley Emergency Communication System (SVECS)

Santa Clara County ARES/RACES

ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau

Pacific Division

Santa Clara Valley Section

Modified Mercalli Scale

MM 1Not feltPeople do not feel any Earth movement.
MM 2WeakFew people might notice movement if they’re at rest and/or on the upper floors of buildings.
MM 3WeakMany people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing back and forth. People outdoors might not realize that an earthquake is occurring.
MM 4LightMost people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing. Dishes, windows, and doors rattle. The earthquake feels like a heavy truck hitting the walls…
MM 5ModerateAlmost everyone feels movement. Sleeping people are awakened. Doors swing open or close. Dishes are broken. Pictures on the wall move. Small objects move or are turned over…
MM 6StrongEveryone feels movement. People have trouble walking. Objects fall from shelves. Pictures fall off walls. Furniture moves. Plaster in walls might crack. Trees and bushes shake…
From USGS & ShakeOut.org

An example of a proper response is: “(your-call-sign), Mike-Mike-4, Tres Pinos”

2024 by San Benito County Amateur Radio Association (SBCARA)